Emissions Boosting

veHRAholders can boost their rewards on the pool where they provided liquidity up to 2.5 times the base APR of the pool. To get the maximum boost possible, they must hold a share of veHRA supply that is equal to or greater than their share of the pool's liquidity. The mechanism is possible because Merkl is able to account for the amount of tokens held by an address when calculating rewards distribution.

For example, let's say the USDC/WETH (0.05%) pool has a total value locked of $1.1 million. If your share of the pool's liquidity is 1%, and the total veHRA supply is 41,710,550, you must hold at least 417,106 veHRA to be eligible for the maximum boost. If you are eligible for 1000 oHRA rewards in a distribution with maximum boosting power, you will receive 2500 oHRA from the distribution with the same amount of provided liquidity.

As expected from the formula, liquidity providers (LPs) who provide liquidity to pools with a larger TVL need to hold a larger share of the veHRA supply to significantly increase their boost. Similarly, their current liquidity share on pools with a smaller TVL might be eligible for the maximum boost with their veHRA balance.

Looking ahead, Active Liquidity Managers could potentially allocate their boost to their users, offering a strategic advantage in competitive scenarios.

Last updated