About Horiza

Horiza is a Unive(3,3) DEX on the Arbitrum blockchain. We enable protocols to scale liquidity using incentives, allowing users to earn high rewards and make trades without thinking about price impact. We have taken into account all the mistakes of previous DEX generations and are making Horiza a truly sustainable and profitable protocol.

Stability: Through a combination of oTokenomics, auto-bribes, Emission boost and reduced Max Supply of the native token we reduce the impact of mercenary liquidity on the protocol, increase returns for loyal users and make the native token of the protocol stable. Now, in addition to generous bribes from external protocols, Horiza will provide veHRA voters with their own stream of never-ending incentives.

Capital Efficiency: To provide extreme capital efficiency, we use concentrated liquidity (CLMM) from Uniswap v3 and the latest technology from Automated Liquidity Managers (ALMs) such as DefiEdge, Ichi, Gamma (in the future) and others.

By implementing Merkl's rewards distribution system, Horiza creates an opportunity for ALMs to encourage the utilization of their algorithm over competing ones. This results in increased rewards for liquidity provision and TVL.

Yield Generation: ve(3,3) DEX as a rule has 2 sources of real income - bribes and fees from swaps. Bribes, as mentioned earlier will be provided by leading protocols on Arbitrum, as well as Horiza's own resources. For internal bribes we will use the profits generated from oHRA token option execution, veNFT royalties, as well as from perp DEX which will be integrated shortly after launch.

The second source of revenue is fees from trades. Thanks to CLMM and liquidity managers, Horiza generates many times more profit than classic AMMs.

UX/UI: Another problem with many DeFi applications is that the interface is not intuitive and difficult to use. For this reason, Horiza team has developed a unique ve(3,3) DEX design and developed the frontend for it from scratch. I am sure that working with Horiza will bring you not only profit but also a pleasant journey.

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